
HB2003 & OHCS RHNA, a looming giant

HB2003 & OHCS RHNA, a looming giant

Housing cost is regionally driven. Therefore, to achieve a future where safe, affordable housing is located close to quality jobs, schools, and parks, all communities must provide their fair share.

Directed by HB 2003, the Department of Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) will be developing a Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) for each of Oregon’s cities (241 to be exact) and the Portland Metro.

This is important because measuring need and setting targets are essential to (1) changing the massive structures that guide housing in Oregon, and (2) getting communities to provide their share of affordable housing.

Housing Deep Dive: Measuring Equity and Examining Data

Housing Deep Dive: Measuring Equity and Examining Data

From the discussion at City Council and the online feedback I received from the previous article, both asked for equity measures to define the problem and success.

Today’s article builds upon my coverage of public meetings (one, two, and three), to examine the assumptions and biases behind the Equitable Housing Strategic Plan, define the equity gaps, and recommend equity-based actions or measurements.

Coming soon...Council action on Equitable Housing Strategy

Coming soon...Council action on Equitable Housing Strategy

What actions should Wilsonville’s government take to address housing equity?

Speak up now before it is too late! City Council held a work session on October 21 to discuss actions on the Equitable Housing Strategic Plan (starting on page 8). Work sessions are important because they narrow the options brought before Council in the regular session public hearing. Get caught up by reading a quick recap of the meeting below or start with coverage of previous task force meetings (one and two). Then, go to the Act page and in two clicks, you can email City Council and Planning Commission with your thoughts today!

Equitable Housing Task Force Meeting #2

Equitable Housing Task Force Meeting #2

Can we achieve equity without talking about race? My answer is no.

After watching and reflecting upon Wilsonville’s second meeting of the Equitable Housing Task Force, which occurred on September 4th, I’m left wondering when the project will talk about explicitly about race and urban planning (see an example from the City of Portland’s Planning Department). As I covered in the first meeting recap, the concerns that the equity statement was defined as equality still remain.