public comment

Planning Commission acts on housing, calls for group to ensure equity!

Planning Commission acts on housing, calls for group to ensure equity!

On May 13 there was a public hearing before the Planning Commission on the Equitable Housing Strategic Plan. This recap will explain why this was a historic meeting for addressing inequity in Wilsonville, and prepare you for action at City Council on June 15.

HB2003 & OHCS RHNA, a looming giant

HB2003 & OHCS RHNA, a looming giant

Housing cost is regionally driven. Therefore, to achieve a future where safe, affordable housing is located close to quality jobs, schools, and parks, all communities must provide their fair share.

Directed by HB 2003, the Department of Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) will be developing a Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) for each of Oregon’s cities (241 to be exact) and the Portland Metro.

This is important because measuring need and setting targets are essential to (1) changing the massive structures that guide housing in Oregon, and (2) getting communities to provide their share of affordable housing.