
Planning Commission acts on housing, calls for group to ensure equity!

Planning Commission acts on housing, calls for group to ensure equity!

On May 13 there was a public hearing before the Planning Commission on the Equitable Housing Strategic Plan. This recap will explain why this was a historic meeting for addressing inequity in Wilsonville, and prepare you for action at City Council on June 15.

Explained: Equitable Housing Strategic Plan (2 of 2)

Explained: Equitable Housing Strategic Plan (2 of 2)

The purpose of this article is to help you understand the importance of the draft Equitable Housing Strategic Plan, and where action is needed to address equity gaps, before it goes to Wilsonville’s Planning Commission and City Council.

After or before reading this, be sure to check out part 1 to understand what is in the plan.

Explained: Equitable Housing Strategic Plan (1 of 2)

Explained: Equitable Housing Strategic Plan (1 of 2)

The purpose of this article is to help you understand the importance of the draft Equitable Housing Strategic Plan, and where action is needed to address equity gaps, before it goes to Wilsonville’s Planning Commission and City Council.

Click here to jump to part 2 if you want to read about equity gaps.

COVID-19 and Housing Next Steps

COVID-19 and Housing Next Steps

Please read the Wilsonville Alliance for Inclusive Community statement on COVID-19 for important thoughts and resources at this crucial time.

Also, contact me if you would like to help with the following topics:

  • Equitable Housing Strategic Plan Explained

  • Equitable Housing Questions/Concerns and Responses

  • Homelessness in Wilsonville

  • Latino/a Community Housing Assets and Needs

April showers bring May flowers of action on equitable housing!

April showers bring May flowers of action on equitable housing!

On March 2, 2020, City Council held their first work session since October 21 (read recap) to discuss actions on the Equitable Housing Strategic Plan (starts on page 42 of 174). Work sessions are important because they are where options are determined for the public hearings and vote.

My main takeaway from this work session Council is still searching for what equity needs they want to address and will take their time to finalize the Equitable Housing Strategic Plan.