TOD in Wilsonville!

TOD elevation example

Elevation of proposed building, submitted by Palindrome Communities LLC

It’s our chance to have a real Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in Wilsonville! On January 22 at 6:30 pm, the Development Review Board (DRB) Panel B will be the first step towards a hopeful approval of a mix-use building (121 apartments) at the Wilsonville transit center. Go to the DRB’s online agenda with links to documents. Based on the August date of these materials, this application has been through months of city staff review, as seen in their 173-page Transit Oriented Development application and proposed development site plan.   

Email ( and fill out a speaker card with your support! If you need a template, read my letter to the DRB below. 


Dear members of the Development Review Board and City Council, 

I’m excited to write today ​i​n support of Resolution No. 427 (Wilsonville Transit Oriented Development)! City staff has thoroughly analyzed this request and is proposing a recommendation of approval with conditions. The applicant’s thorough team of architects, engineers, arborists, planners, and other experts has prepared an in-depth proposal that addresses all of my questions and concerns about the impact on the community and our goals. 

This is an essential first step towards the further build-out of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) at the SMART transit center. It will not only provide essential housing to address our severe undersupply within the region, but it will also bolster our world-class SMART transit system, as well as enhance our argument to TriMet, the state, and region (Metro / JPACT) to increase WES service and extend transit to Salem (and beyond). 

This development will not be on an island but will be the first step towards creating a residential mix-use node that connects the path between Villebois and the downtown through our future bridge over I-5. 

Finally, the ground floor space will be a great location to locate small businesses and services that will complement ​our new ​neighbors, as well as the community. 

I can’t wait to have this development ​i​n our community. ​It has been a long time coming. Please pass this as soon as possible.

Thank you,