Teens! and Children and How They Are Essential to How We Understand Jesus and Solve Our Ever-Growing National Divide

Check this place out

The Parish is a new type of gathering of Jesus followers that my friends started in Wilsonville. It’s freaking awesome! It is for real inclusive, which means that it is not a “welcoming” church that hides weird, internal rules that limit women and LGBTQ+ people from serving or speaking. They intentionally provide space for a diverse range of speakers. There’s full gender equality (title and pay) among staff, and really well-thought-out Sunday literary and rhythms that are intentional, welcoming, and honest.

Please take a few minutes to read through their website. One of my favorite talks so far was Tauna Nelson, which is a 100% MUST LISTEN ALERT!

They let me talk from time to time. Last Sunday, as a part of a summer mixtape series, they let me choose a topic that I am most passionate about.


My working title for the talk was, “Teens! and Children and How They Are Essential to How We Understand Jesus and Solve Our Ever-Growing National Divide.”

You can listen to the podcast here. I’m a visual learner and speaker, so the gallery below shows the images referenced in this talk. Also, here are direct links to resources:

If you are interested in this topic, I would love for you to reach out. Come join me for a doughnut and conversation at The Parish one Sunday!